Aust 31, 1944

Dr. Robert t. Griggs 
Uational Research Council 
2101 Constitution Aveme 
Washington 25, D. 0. 
Dear Dr. Grit' I 
Miss Harper sent you during my absence the copy of Hermn Chapman1s report

on the 'aetico-Superior wilderness question. He intends to publish this 
in an early issue of Journal of Yorestry.   In the interim the document should,

of course, not be circulated beyond your immediate adyisors. 
Dr. Chapman atopped here Tuesday, and I hxd a long talk with him. My owm

appraisal Is that we can work better with a combined state and federal ownership

than with either one separately. Chapman says that Mr. Wilson, the Director

for Minnesota, is now negotiating with Ontario, with considerable success

for the reservation of shore lines on the Canadian side. I think pressure

it needed on both the Torest Service and the state of Mimnesota to clean
the alienated lands within the alrea4y established wilderness area before
post-war boom in rfsorts uaakes it impossible to do so. I suspect that both

have been reaching out to control the whole region at the expenso of 
consolidation within the wilderness area. 
I still think tV-bt the letter to Wilson which I originally proposed is in
but it should n   proceed on the premise that a hug   federal area is necessarily

the best way to get Canadian cooperation. My meaning will doubtless be clear

when you have read the Chapman repbrt. 
Coming down to persons, and spiaking strictly between ourselves,*Cbhas a
lost confidence in Oberholtzer. I have not, but I simply doubt 4s praetical

judgent in Insisting on a hage international undertaking when w are in 
actual danger f losing even the present area through lack of Csnadian 
cooperation and througb commercial developments on private lands. It Is 
entirely possible, of course, that Oberholtzer can convince se otherwise

since I hive not heard his side, but for the moment, I think Chapman ti right.

                                         Yours sincerely, 
                                         Aido Leopold 
                                         Professor of Wildlife nagement