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 9. Earle L. Poole      Assoc. 1916 
              Reading, Pa. Connected with Reading Public Museum for many

    years. Published 20 papers nnd notes on Pennsylvania birds. A bird. artist,

    illustrated Bond's Birds of West Indies. Conservation work with Birds
    Prey and Hawk and Owl Society. 
    Proposed by: Horbert Friedmann, Alden H. Miller, Hoyes Lloyd. 
10. Kenneth __e       Assoc. 1921 
              Vancouver, Br. Columbia. 31 papers and notes in The Auk, 
    Canadian Field Naturalist and Murrolet on birds and mammals, including

    records, local lists and two life histories. 
    Proposed by: Hoyes Lloyd, Alden H. Miller, Herbert Friedmann. 
11. S. Dillon Ripley          Assoc. 1938 
              Asst. Curator of Birds, U. S. National Museum, Washington,
D. C. 
    Collector for Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science in New Guinea 
    (Donnison-Crocket Exp.), in Java (Vanderbilt Expod.) and Polynesia. 
    Published a dozen pnpers and notes on Birds from Northern Celebes and
    Bit.s of Sumatra and a number of popular literary reports. 
    Proposed by: Herbert Friedmann, H. G. Deignon, Aloxander Wtmorme.