Sec. 2. The thirteen Regional Representatives shall 
be elected, one from each Region as described in the manner pro- 
vided in the By-laws. Such Representatives from even-numbered 
Regions shall be chosen in even years; from odd-numbered Regions 
in odd years. They shall be eligible for re-election and shall 
take office at the close of the annual meeting. 
         Sec. 3# The Council shall appoint the Executive Secretary 
and the Editorial Staff of the Journal; shall have power to fill 
vancancies occurring in its numbers; shall recommend to the Society 
for action By-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution; shall 
perform such other duties as are herein prescribed. Eight 
Members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. 
                          ARTICLE VI -- Meetings 
          Sec. 1. The Society shall hold an annual meeting and 
such other meetings as the Council may direct at places and dates 
selected by them4 Due notice of such meetings shall be given 
by the Exective Secretary at least thirty days in advance4 
          Sec. 2. Resolutions passed at a meeting of the Society 
by less than a majority of its Mvlembers in good standing, shall 
represent the majority opinion of the meeting, but shall not be 
binding on the Society unless subsequently approved by the Council. 
                          ARTICLE VII -- Sections 
          Sections of the Society may be authorized by the Council 
upon petition of ten or more Members. Sections may adopt necessary 
By-laws, providing that no part of them shiill conflict with the 
Constitution of this Society. A report cf Its activities shall be 
presented by each section at the annual meeting of the Society. 
                          ARTICLE VIII -- Dues and Funds 
           Sece lo The annual dues of Members and Associate Members 
 shall be $3,00. No dues shall be charged Honorary Yembers or 
           Sec. 2. Annual dues shall be payable from January lo 
 A-'sociate Members and Members in arrears more than one year shall 
 forfeit their right to vote and to receive the Journal until such 
 dues are paid. 
           Sec. 3. All monies accruing to the Society from Patrons 
 as a direct result of thier elections as such, together with that 
 received for undesignated purposes shall constitutc a permanent 
                                                       trust fund,