i-aqt 57 Street 
New York, 2P, N. Y, 
Tot Truatees of the WilderesM Fund 
From: George Marshall 
Date    November 4, 1946 
Re:  Aý)-jiatctn frrr the Hawk 
     Mountain Sanctuary Asoiatin 
       ½caolJOed iZ . coo-7 of the aV,) 1cation froM the Hawk Mountain

Sanctuary A-asociation vhich I have Just raeived and am forwarding it 
to you for y ur cn~idertin, 
       It ia : i  nnel opinron th-it there is           v e iuvtP'n hether
not this non.clica"Ji' rj Iv uome withi th thetsa of the ilde~ es  _ud,