Delta Duck Station 
                                    Delta, Manitoba 
                                    May lst, 1940 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Prof. o' Wildlife Management 
University df Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin. 
Dear Prof. Leopold: 
          It is good to hear that the budget is going through 
and thank you for your troubles in getting the agreement settled. 
          Everything is going nicely, although there are too 
many things happening at once now that it is May. We started the 
incubator for Art~s wood-duck eggs and tbrv ar5 coming along 
nicely. Unfortunately Art will not be able to raise Delta ducks 
this year. 
          The marsh is ooen and most of the duck- Qr- back. 
Mallards and pintail are nesting and we will begin egg' collecting 
May 6th. 
          I have a meeting with the Zoology Dept. of the University 
of Manitoba and it looks ar though we may find a rsy for cooperaticn 
with them. 
          The scples havenarrived and I am awaiting approval from 
Ottawa to bring them in. 
ejh/ HAH