         Coming to the more pratical and sordid aspects 
of party politics, I think you will agree that the Demo- 
cratic party in Wisconsin has not much to offer any 
candidate. They are looking for someone to head the 
ticket who will make a good showing and keep their forces 
together for 1944. When I look over their group of lea- 
ders, I see very little of idealism among them. You would 
expect no help in conservation from a Tom King, a Harry 
Bolens or a Bill Carroll. The only one in their leader- 
ship who has the slightest conception or interest in 
conservation from a non-political angle is Charlie Brough- 
ton. This whole attempt by the Democrats to run Mac for 
Governor is a thinly veiled effort to exploit conserva- 
tion f or poliical purposes. 
         I do not want to see Mac thrown to the dogs of 
politics, where he would be torn limb from limb, and at 
the end of such a Roman holiday the statemen of the 
stature of Heil would use the results to vindicate their 
efforts to sabotage conservation by saying that the 
gubernatorial race was a referendum on conservation. 
         Why not preserve our fine conservation movement 
unsullied and intact? Let's all keep right on the straight 
and narrow non-political path, devoting every energy to 
the elimination of those who seek to destroy the program 
or to exploit it for their own political purposes. We 
must keep the cause on a sound and firm footing, letting 
good common sense and good practical judgment control at 
all times. Conservationists must not lay themselves open 
to the charge of being lacking in stability or continuity 
of purpose, thought and policy. 
         With kind regards, I am 
                           Sincerely yours,