42r~ erstylFarmPlaee

                                                 Madison 6, Wisconin 
                                                 October 29, 1943 
 Mr. A. X. 1utller, M~iwukee Pu~blic 1kseun, LXtiwukoe 
 Prof. Walter E. Rogers, Dept. of Botant Lawrene Collg, i Appleton 
 Dr. J1. W. Thmson. Suerior State ' eachers logoli.Supe, 
 Mro. 1'.e Trak   De* .of Ar. AW      Univ. Of Wis._,/,Madisoa. 
 Prof. 3. A. Wilde, Sols Dept., Univ. of Wisdiso 
 Mr. Fred Wilson, State Cosservation Det., 
 Prof. 1. C. Passett, Dept. of Botasny, Univ. of Wis., 160va 
 At the requat of Dr. A. W. bhowgr, Prsident of the Wi        A  4w  of 
 Scien, Normsn f    sett, Ersest B", and yself are actin as a 'Omitt-e

 on Natural Resources". Dr. Schorger asked us to invite appropuiate
 to cver pa1rticlar project- 
 Ose project *ih sees= to me rip  for action is the oosp$Jation of distribtion

 mps of ntive      Wisconi  trees. Tis letter is to invite yo to serve as
 special standing comittee o  this project. 
 Some of you have already assembled data on this qumestion. Others by reason
 your official duties have the opportunity to travel and collect additional

 data. A start ing point already exists in the form of a nmiecript byChny

 which is in lassett's possession. If you are willing to serve on this committee#

 Pessett will send you shortly a cop of the Ohonse distuibution u&pe.

 r as asking heseit to servo as shairass. 
 Unfortunately there are no faund for paying travel to committee msetings,
 I hope you. can contrive to overomse this hanUclap, possibly by meeting,
 eon~unction with the ~a.4a Acad.w meeting. 
 You will hoar later from 1F.ssett abou.t detailed suggestions for procedure.

 2he findings of the Committee eas douabtless be published is the Transactions

 whea they are ready, and reprints can be =doe available. 
KV I hear from you. as to your willingness to serve? 
                                               Youxrs simeerely, 
                                               Rktamsl Resoures Committee