 detaile4 prospectim which has been previously agreed t. The 
 supervision of this project will be under the direction of the 
 University Comiittee on Conservation 
        (2) Appoint a research fol  who will be on the same bais 
 as the refular University fellows and sholar in regard to all 
 fees, both registrstion an labortory. 
        (5) Use te balanoc of the fud available far the puhrolase 
 of inoldeta  supplies,       t of travel oxpens  and other 
 neeary disburs      ts requlred in the *zeoition of the work. 
        (4) Furnish laboreator and co-ultsat facilities, land, 
 transportati on and suoh usual equipment as Is required for the 
 carrying out of this research In so far as the facilities of the 
 University and the work al  4 under way will permit, 
 erbt' Institute and the Burcau of Biologioal 5urvey a rport fr1 
 tin to time upon the onmpletion of Imortunt        or the re- 
 seerh with the understnnine that the University in aetepting 
 ats fund for the fellowebip 'hrein orea.ed Intends that It shell 
 be used for the promotion of soientifio knowledge in the field 
 referred to, and that the results of such rsearch shal   made 
                        or the Biologioal Survey, 
publle by the University th      publicatins or otherise, in 
ar         that It -  dei desirable, keping in min   tht the 
publc interet or welfare shall be doulnant. 
      .The above memor  u has been presented to the Preid t4t 
and Committe    on 0   ation of the University of Ariza and is 
approved and ab*?ted by the and is declared affeetive upo the 
siatu     of the  3eas M     g   and Dean of the Volleee of 
Agriculture of the Uiversity, and ta prper o#lffc±al  for tbo 
Sporin   Arms and Amuitio   nufactureW     Ins titute,, and the 
Biological Surve  of the U, . Deatet of Agriculture.