- 19 - 
       There I little hope of private initiative in buiid range for 
rare epecies, and no time to bs lost. Hence item 5 time at direct faition

of responsibilitty for eah remnant on some public agenc. Doepito f q 
unprecedented    oendituros for oonservation now being made, hardly a penny

is being devoted to those species. whereas large sms are bein  spent for

roads, power dams. sand other undertakings which directly threaten their

       no sampile project is otffred as an illustration of the kind of action

noe4*4 for each ses on the list. The costs for      verything overland above

planning and research should be obtainable from public appropriations. 
       Sinole FrgJoeti G4rgl XnvuAtorx anW Lan. There are 11 remnants 
totalling  m   1,000 bears in the United States. Six of these cntain 10 
antlals or loss, i.e., are about to go uder. live remnants see  to have gono

under in the last doeade. 
       Za& of the 16 ranges on which remnants are now surviving or have

been rently lost should 1e studied by the raost skillful   n obtainable,
a cuplete plan drawn fort 
            (1)  i c     ete closare of butinlg asd trapping on all small

            (2) he reval, by purchase or exohange, of all gring permits 
                and ranches on all parts of the grizly range fmuWod by 
                aing, or hard to protect by reason of the presence of 
                stock or heders. 
            (3) Provision for comensating stock losses on those parts of

                the grizsly range not evasuated under (2). 
            (4) The rostocking of the five ranges recently lost. (Planting

                stock to be obtained from the nearest large remnts.) 
            (   Th)  e prolation of "Wilderness Areas',V" c riig
the critical 
                parts of eash range. (Mis implies the abandonment of 
                projected roads and the elovare of "fire trails"
to public 