s, J~tnt~vKry 6, :i 94W-~) C. 
ar'ear, thfoe a:,te as In othe-r i,iobei. creat- M410h. a 
vatteopt 'ý2)v,1 be mode to h*the, f  dirg   oit I nG 
     CO~X~h.1 yiwCV  f3O: ho0.Lj~c fl1gh'i'7?iys I nor 
that the deexo wouM bre v"e  vuilre.b1,  t o ..tie  "o 
ER011 coop, o Cý rat,'  q urfpLK01 to taoo~ulpaa.'v "any 
of t'61he Y io, C -e"nrae! on their doer, ¢euedSng tr:n. 'ns 
  Dvr   T he d:t.; i on vhIch fo 1),c'v,   va  r 
i11T, by ' , e,    thet '610 o C   th C,   " Nff  VO16 F". 
inmluded in the provra:'n for fe dýUg C4 the saee ýý
an those not In a refzoe T,,+e at Ht w, fSI         the 
          d e Dt m          ...nt -a;. P: " -' the foo6 wa-rj e ouv1Ay

                         ......... -  ....  ')"  f ed  to 
dlatrlbOted an.i thct-an oier,=homnt Was    (1 to 
private hep,. binta       , t -"(" WrOeO,:iA ..W the 
  OorImooloer Rl~hhr r'ilaeil eht m   bou't ter, y ,,8r s 
he has be en f-ednt,"ng 6ier in Vi.!  coQ'1nty with o0++;n-PrY 
b~vloy sc~ reeainga, 1whlreýa ere 0onf,10rbly Cbeapvr  h 
the h:i n o .c-,, .ý . nd  ee r.   eý,i. re.  v , ii ILbIe,

    ssw l a s.Je:to harlile +l 1 , u F4 5 'Wa"C' .... 
                ........? ,,.   .. .u .? +l 
 dopart.ment , a su*-vrey, to ....i. h t . . 
 type .o£1 . .\ etni           t  conoentr'lev 
 fed by U, 'e      + rt.... 
 Mroi.  ...+ift, A % +ts Dfec ,{ ai.ar +t,. c the +Be.  8 
 menta by     th-t Cor     tio onoo . ,  irn , 
 who hea au  yi' :.e vta Trout Is'l-'e .   fie .-- 
 for the                     .,ibliie. A t .he recont teer feediniY 
 meoin  at dWoodrZufN AM*- go,;.r ontt.!ed a seriOI of 
 s.,- or e!.Fht field trit vhioh he intenv to eooduct 
 On Sunde., Oyr Con     t ;qeI ye. He plonioss to 
 place a notice in the local pa-oer inVitinpg anyone, 
   ,terested to  a- the tri,   with him end informing 
 them of the ti~me and -placeO D%  .- 5t1-e'in..  _", -1. f't 
 stz.ted the 9-1sn tiubmnitted by ,arid' e, ,nn,..,  ,a 
 generally pnroved and other wvardense weere inqtvoted 
 ,to develoo a simuila.r roceduY'e to oromoto nublic 
    b .,+  r+ , ? . . !u t._ (Item 11.1, +-.ilw teo 
 of Septe.mber 11. 1945). 
     nh referrIng to the last section of the eloer 
 bulletin wchwas                 0rizec h o 'lon. under, 
 date of Deucwmbi+v 27, 1945, R-r..,t, ASIss."nt 
 Director, relF ted. thit his    Ivch hS been in         . 
 correition dith Land uLe ana    e v; exqt u1CS of 
 land u'ee. 'o stated that he ha tm. vei. the coiy to          .c 
 a number of people to read .?flO  .t',eie;   .. soiysa 
 thought one j,ý.vt very interestfn- but- ugwesite  another. 
 seocton be cut do:iný while others e 4ed the opinion 
 thet the l-,.tr was most interertina .... )nother -"art 
 s    ,houd be cu1 down.  F; :ointee3 out thnat the 0o0.y wo011.. 
 be longer orio -Inaly