o  daIA I  tw i.I%' Ox. e) -of th~o atncrt 
   t ~  f0 "0 fxvo':! i       hali' ~C-o~a- Piux2c 
does 81, 0..2:' l  b,ý C.... h,,'-.,,  I .   im, o, '.0 1 y  stocl~ed
 on  T'z  .iI a d 
or     z-11,; ,.   til         I ts: i f casib1.e. in tin 
   T. to %he -I ss,("A  U.Ný1d ,)8.u it   llQU.  of 13,oD,.,
alf.Alf oo r   c c........ nCorn 
to    s'i  h         ghex- C,1 o io:ti 
I v z Pt#0, ,..  ... 11 m  I"" I  ...... pz., C,,, a:,:> ui
 :!. b eu 
the mi cVUln of lleeiovF erfts:r  1 Ich  t woOdbe, rmdeoc2y 
to st;r, k thn,. hay jJ.m, %o'cechm, b-,,  i,- .n.r: food1 so th.at 
   V13 e.     oo  nocons To it  ""Vhp       ceI~~ould~ 
   terefa#bly beý done, at one or  vr rsj,Int.£so A rt1fcoI
s- I 
     Teeding rj,.hould co. .ntlm  th-,o~vqh tb 'lAtl.,,, yer in sn, 
effort to .livert the h-nM  al mrch ý 1 .qie froma feing 
    cL The Is].s- nhoul,,l bwe, surveype; by competentde 
men in ordoar to Socure     o.     t~ons on du iery ceer 
foed thst mghtrow there in the. forui mo broofe 
      e,  h   her  ehou  be closal2 cheo  " 13ftai" the 1946 
nec~oa~aary 8%that !!e 
  Thc eontireco:.a%, ars~listed votre1 Innmuy.n 
favor of Tola.n 00 5' v -, o  -e   Aped t       h 
     "tte of t   v'm-oe Dc. ountyc i no couuld be ao- 
pointecJ t ooOpcx,,tr wtc* ý   tho "C .......... 
fc-t that it.1;  be.    ..   to .t    o, 
fcor a                      C.mmD! f%.'e, 
  A 1 eng'thy v cs  ~        .i   4Al-Cvmevoe 
L0opolcl st-te. he      . iiý,  to chnllenvo on"- -u!:5%iof,

n~'mYeiyc that, oP        pon .n~. ornt thEA;k tWr d~atc 
are ave IL-pble 'to nro-ve that ibe~h 
to a hezdo 
  ComalG ooner RFhr st-Acea he dle. not for killing e,00 
deer ind commerciplzing their sale Euni..8d    cate3 1he 
would meke a motion to deJ.ýy any 4ction for C! yeir, 
letleirn nature teke Its course. : e      the oinlon 
that after a year more intsl1i1enn',aoctlon coulc 7 be tmke3n. 
  Chairm~an Abets s,-p te  that, che v :.sent, pr-ogY'am as,, .'ub-  i: 
mitrea is l3.!opleal bzcruse of t-h  nqcce-mi;Vy for ar2TA;ifc1i 
fvve d-In o F,- .     I-W 
  Pr. Harry Schyler of F*i sh OreeW hi-n of the Door      !- 
county Board of Supspvizore and     h    n of the Town of 
01braltvr, r aI ae The t.t du i'rz the su wre. e -I., aaon there 
are from S*7 to eigrht yachts. when ].    on the t-,.o doo, 
p.-Incirally to see the deer. Ee co;1       i the i""n ,,fi 
could be drvelope) into a 8seeon1 Mao.1jlnc         . The 
     * era rijaa h,  thirtv yerr ac.o by the comrth]ty