       I do not think it desirable that we attempt to include the Eastern

Canadian Provinces in our Section. Hosley points out that the area covered

by the Section is already very extensive* being far larger than the area

covered by Sections of the Society of American Foresters in the Northeast.

I think that unquestionably in the. future it will be desirable for us to

further restrict the area covered by our Sections, but I believe that at

the present time we will do well to hold to the area of jurisaiction given

in Article 2# Section 1, revised. 
       The next change comes in Article 3# Section 3. The second sentence

has been added upon the suggestion of Hosley and I believe it is a good one.

Hosley also suggested that Active members of the parent Society might well

be given Active status in the Section even though they are outside of our

Section jurisdiction* I personally feel that this would be undesirables but

your comments are solicited. 
       Article 3, Section 4. The third line fbrmerly read "of the Section

in good standing upon the payment of the first year's dues". At Cahalane's

suggestion te words "in good standing" have been deleted as unnecessary
they will be obviously in good standing when their dues are paid. 
       Article 3, Section 5. This is the first controversial idea. Two 
alternates are given, one by Pearce and one by Hosley. You will note that

Pearce believes that the associate members should be given greater privileges,

inoluding appointment to oommittees where desirable. Hosley feels that the

privileges of the associate members should be further restricted by allowing

only Active members to vote. This is a fundamental point and I believe that

it should be given very careful attention.  It is zz feelihg that it would

be desirable to give associate members in the Section somewhat greater 
privileges than they hold in the parent Society. This would give mere 
encouragement to young fellows to take a more active part in our work. 
       Article )4 Section 2. Hosley suggests the addition of a paragraph

providing for a means of nominating officers through a Nominating CoMnittee.

It is qr feeling that the use of the nominating committee as an irstrument

for obtaining slates of officers usually works out as a railroading of the

two candidates nominated since members are usuall-- reticent about making

additional nominations from the floor* This is not always true as evidenced

by the results of the election of the president in our last meeting of the

parent Society. However* I want to point out that whes I was ekeoted Chair-

man at the meeting in Harrisburg, it was very clearly a railroaded job. 
Please let me know your comments on this point. 
       Article 4# Section 3.. At Pearce's suggestion this section opens with

"Twenty Active members" instead of "twenty members".
I believe this is 
desirable' providing we give the vote only to Active members. It seems to
therefore, that your oomments on this point are somewhat corollary to your

comnents on Article 3* Section 5,