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     So a man-sized job awaits us, namely to explore tiis 'blowdow4"

of Oongressional Acts and Exeutive Orders (present and in the makin3)-- 
with a view to salvaging some nooks at least where a man *an hear him- 
self think. "!herever Possible, of coourse, we sho1u'ld catOh thess
and Orders "in the making". In part this Job Is a negative one
preventing what we do not w      The more need, there ore, of our know--

inr positively what we. A _R 
     SOI nn (or committee) shoul get busy early on this mission of 
delteate but firm diplomaoy. lie (or they) must hold firm for our own 
particular emphasis;and so must clearly vision in,eaoh case, aoordin6 
to some "philosophy" as hereinbefore outlined, the total regonal

theatre and the e-ultable strategy therein. 
     Fere then Is a definite project, and one of high priority, it 
should, of course, be followed up in ftutre as a permanent line of 
vlgilanoe. It centers in the oauldron of the Oapital of the nation. 
And It should be carried forth into the respective Regions of the nation,

This thoulh brings up the matter of our organisation; and this is a 
further story. 
                                 B3ITON MKAYE, Actin7 ?residnt 
                                   Acigla!ýn-n     o   qTxecu   y~e