In viam of reoent threateingu eventa, I decided not to tai. an   w 
W114.ueee* twlp.. I returne to 'A   an I~uly 1n uan  r~t 1g Oluna for the
time, 3a aa   been avaq an i for-uwv visits* 
     A. L~oat diaturbtbl  thing ha ila4 p d  , a. received word that after
J'u37 10 
sei~plano wer. pe~ittod to ontor Cmand to laiaAo au; y 1ae in the %oitleol,
smerW homes are perrtted. ',l a is ptap the 4oit      wirous blm thet ha.
falle on the 'ýiitieo-kpsrlr roew 
      l45it dk- af ter .9 orrval at 1~7,y Big tQmm a&fl04xgi an air v
trip w 
the Superior an6 q',a~ttoo &reme with 14grT  .g f the 1Poret Aavb   au
landed nt 1Hubsh.als placeon Baeswodn.   i La ke, whwew we four hi a lon

  coferancs, twyag toý fcannat* som line of nction in aw a arlmda
  It was 
hard to do, and we .ovdlA only hope that some slight opportunities would
*pen for 
us usoon Copy of ;ýi letter to the vaiare of Ottawa was sent to Wmhnea
wau viritton witli tae a~w~  of )br *~h axe :-p Qison, 
     ""be foilinug 4i we started back for -ýywont# 
     It wae the thouat that I should -iweseut to the Wi2Awaerex 30iety my

Impressioa  of the quatico-.3irerlr prora, after vi sititW the area* I have
the 41*gteat healtatios In giving you -. e0*3lusimon. If there ha been any

douts 1A my mind bofewe As to the wind. of the prg   am.a a *4.le, in vlew
sp, iretl well-sont cruttleim of It In roeat years* no dtoubts rerin Ww.

I am all for thle entire ý-,omn mied I can not se how anytus oo vrsnt
conditions -V theme oru feel otf-inmisto if he to a mnieermatinist, 
     I shall try to be a s concsle. a  possible, tb jt this ts a 1big *Abjet*

?irmt, nearly all of the aea withirn the .ýbJqtieo-.,periow pfrogm
 Ins trictly 
    .v-groltvrelo This is a rocky land;£ not gn~ll or aanyo but soid
The 6.11. in ahallaow On the day I flew ovor the awe., frygg polnte4 out
burns, wher, the vofl had been losat In the fire and bare rock shone up at
This land can, and does, prou.. fewest, but nothing also. I did not le,ýka
any important mining resour.s. 
     I think everyone would egme that the two reeneweas of the ý'.utiev,,'pro

awe recretion and timber*  7he prga provides for the removal ct timber, with

a provieo tbat aftoralt as for rearoati on te nroteeteda moat goneroun ao~neesalon

to th. luber latewete. TibauiiWng    not barred, enda my taelr-mLa6d iumemm

sho14 be satisfied& As for Aaing    ano to faci litate hatndling of lo
the ulterior desig of prodwcing lucrative oleltris pceor, that vin le ooawtruod.

only me ooumreial antorprise on the loow,, end It ?1orfeýgazdsti!
  oths  oiA- 
     "Vha plan fmrher meonnze~s a n)Iase for ngrtulttwe in the few pleca,
   enuh utable usol has amonlated fow auch pupoo     Not mly that, but 
strategio small attleywnts are loeeta4 in the area, paticularly along the

outer bonais* Thse Pre not frowne      upon* Inded, they are reoelm~zd as

ocnvenioat oufitting plaes, where the settlers oould benefit fliaenil3  
tee~nsve wilderness eaon. travel. ('enld "Yting be more fair tha mach