if used at all, should be plainly labelled as such", and you give two
(11) and (12), where apparently that has not been done. If you will examine

the caption under "Pike and Duckling" you will note that it states
plainly that the duckling is "posed in the big Jaws of the Jackfish"
etc. I 
agree that the crow eating eggs should have been similarly captioned. This

was omitted in error and as far as I am concerned, we will be very careful

that proper explanations are made in the future* 
The defence rests -------- now I suppose a counter attack would be in order#

But I have no desire to win this battle* I would sooner join forces with
and your colleagues. God knows there is so much constructive work to do that

I have no time to criticize the well meant efforts of others. In any case
have noticed that critics are not builders, and I want to be a builder. 
No two people can agree on everything. When Gabe increased the bag limit
1944, we were alarmed --- but said nothing* I personally think the bag limit

is too high now, You are worried about duck numbers --- so am I; and yet,
know that given one really favorable nesting season, and there will be so

many dammed ducks that the farmers will be on our necks againl Indeed, they

still are in Canadat 
I like the paragraph in which you say: "I do not set myself up as sole

judge of this matter, hence I am asking you what you think of my argument,

and what you think should be done." Frankly, I think you are rather
the idea that Ducks Unlimited should be an arbiter setting forth both sides
the qUestion in evesrYa.ticle they'print.   Many of the items that you have

criticized were merely news. For example, your criticism: No. (1) Headline:

"Waterfowl Increase May Bring 3-Months Shooting Season,. This is merely
news item. Today's headline in the Winnipeg Free Press - "Russians Have
System In Canada." Canada also has a spy system in Russia; but can the
paper be criticized for not making that statement in the news item quoted!

But I am not going to suggest the answers that you may get from Arthur Bartley*

We look upon you as a great authority on wildlife managemant; but may I say

in all modesty that we should know more about waterfowl survival problems,

and what can be done about them, than you. For example, Al Hochbaum discovered

that two of our old projects wre dry. I gather that Al feels that this 
knowledge is his ace in the hole to keep us on the straight and narrow path*

I am going to go a lot further than Al goes.   Eight of our old projects
dry# We have 168 projects now* Thirteen of them were built in 1945 and 
naturally will not function until after runoff this spring. Of the balance,

as stated above, eight are dry. In other words, 147 are functioning* Isn't

that a mighty good record! 
It is obvious that Al does not thoroughly understand waterfowl survival 
problems in Canada. May I say here that our objective is not to increase

waterfowl nesting areas in the great Duck Factory* We know that there is

sufficient nesting territory now for at least twice the number of ducks.