M~rJh -11 31147 
  Zh :4 (;Oid 7~ torw v (to.a4~                tte~          ~ 
15 yoa   4Wb is It thAt artifletally nropw-Ato virtu41y 1JS-ar*1Aw 
by *.otlwr, Mmson 
On;.i own Woting mvaorm At RAla in y~ -Afs mity w l~ver ro@*wm4fv  I4*"
,%of ouraa~  li*av al bu41,% vAn =A@ :n    ly sime 19 "A. 
One of W bosto ;vkt*, Xwue- &zoo ga    thla -Prble hi3 fM1 time froto
-=ti1 143, 40 is sitill vo$4w OIL it- 'is, rom-t. wavh Ib t o mmlinica you*
*o~.ondn in dvArters 5-12. 
'.b wo, nt ]-av the finý, al jsww  Imt nei~tAo he un I thlzxc t~ 
  In wkoo 
be;Aii we huAt exallant sn'rIiv.1 In t~leraoi e"Me far~ neatse +1imi
the estly7 
years *&mQ     =i    j            "Zor vaer As~ ONW nvttors theia
so YV-, 
  i of lu~k w4mloItd-~rn"      .Arl anwom  soome V3 b.) tiM4 117 In
vV with the moo~tion from 414 mawte, 
W ~n~ous thu -at  uv that to nlMu an. ýArooA, poxAo4  ývmit
rwI42  iv tt V 
effort, A~w thAi In tVim mezv tluit *,ar promnt sotw  warv1s      ol- 
wrxv rriwdp$* for MgLMrj          , It %us an aUii~b1* wtq toi etv 7phoantsw

otarte&, Irit it doos not fit nrss 0ondlilona$ 
I v~ld li-k your help in deotviMlz A4-ý ne bain ýbnjuln forowc
~ gz 
      maapw t 1  "vat lmloao. ,+Afnai$ta is; trw7iW- -t a no for~&
-whii I 
wul4  i  to tell YMI Ab-1 
I m~ilA alo like to hwe ywi   .t lrf late. I thial yo-ý h=el* vM4
Chief of .,a esae in the O1*w.r&VA !Arrmt    Ina  cs it     wr 
best cooniltmt ft ow r nroK*4l at Ailltai~, 
                                        Ywxr it.wmroy, 
.V,1 W