Delta ,Manitoba 
                                          November 10,1Q40 
Mr. James F. Bell 
200 Chamber of Commerce 
Minneapolis, Minnesota 
Dear Mr. Bell: 
       One of the Ruralite wind plants,! believe, would provide 
the most efficient and satisfactory lighting for the duck house. 
Ed's plant has provided excellent servire for more than two years 
and a similar plant could be ri#Red up to meet the lighting needs 
of the duck house. ]d points out that gas as well as wear and 
tear for the lodge plant would,in the long run, require greeter 
running expense than the wind plant. 
       Aside from the importance of followina up your earlier 
experiments with lightingartificisl light in the duck house 
would permit us to study the effects of light on *'he growth of 
young ducks. You will remember our discussion of this with 
Dr. Rowan last summer. There is considerable evidence that birds 
reared in northern latitudes develop more rapidly than those 
reared in iorf, southernly regions. Certainly the young that move 
down from the north in the fell are further advanced than the 
Deltr young of the year. 
       This is ten important ocolopwiol problem and Pomething 
which must be determined if plumage develonment as a ke- to age 
of young birds is to mean anything to field workers. With artificial 
light the naturel periods of summer livhtinw for several letitudes 
could be simulated in t'e duck house. 
       I hfve ron- over your letter with Ed who bolieves the !-ind 
chbrger would be in mtny ways better than briniing up the lodge 
plant for a temporpry period. Aside from this, however,! feel 
in my own mind thattif we are to light the duck house,the wind plant 
woul' be the most satisfastory. 
       Rave had a number of eacellent reports on Peter's work 
with the Natural History aurvey. I do hope it will be possible 
for him to go on to new York after he is finished there. 
                                Sincerely yours 
(Albert Pochbbaum)