2       J. }T. Darling  l/!6/34 
..o- ver.  it seeoas to me there is often a , ......  wheher t(150 ese -t-

   r ly contribute to ovc "rc :"on of ct     G C-coJs. DO not t"
 1ost of the crop t-,emselves? 
     :31" reason of these noev, tlio-a;ts, I "na...r reduced oL
      --e r CI ....  e 
 -'00,O00$00O to 10,000,000 acres in the draft.       .L:.in I  ..more t'an
rbe. to 
 ce'-r-e -.r Emind. if I have gotten off on the w:'.rong trac-z. 
 &r>oA-:inistrator.   The sore I thinz..- about the Co: ttteels job,
tIre lor.e I-1 
 ci.n c cd t':Cat our suc ce.s -. lo-:) end_ s not on the report tht v.'o
 t E7;,e ,"out on tm :3X 
 --o is Chosen to execute the are'ro-m    I m. m! sure tnnt CoIy ettex.t
tf co tLe -. b 
 y- oursolvos ,ith only the hioe  of the roeant of the 3ioloical Sarutvey,
'aou! "1e. 
 ho .eless. 
     _ hiave been able to think of only t,,-wo alaces to look for lmr:I zfa
rnl . 
     One is to ash for the lorn. of a hi~hgra~e executive fro:., the U. S.
Serzvice. I have no narticulcx name in) T.ind, but there 7re a v.; f on ,
 t-    't 
toed.  T, ,                                                 .    . 
        -ey ,.oula probably -orove stro,:io  the !.aCaccuioit ion a3 e.:c,'.tve
at -, it on any                       of al t.                     - 
                       pz-...zs..n. ~~ ~     1 imd r  n i z  f I   h ns 
CýI,(  outs  o'  :e so t :e. 
        and of :Oolicy Taosti6ns.  TIe'ere is the frther objecti.o. t.t th-e

Service miht not be able to locm us a     an, cz Ie iaUe 17. 
     " other thorvt is of an actual,  i"i-  aa"- -"jor
L.   T.        , J. 
....ae. o. oo:, ?ennsylvimia.  Janllcr vould azost certainly tarn Co;.a any
offer th"o 
:.zched of en ordinary goverrz.cent enecutive -osition, t io   a -'  :  t

"i"t hovever, consent to 1c .r.f.te    if the Secretary of the,
"...i..  t ...   f 
th, way. I cdon. t "-o, v hether :r. Bech is         a ;euaintea  itih
    Rather than give you a detaileda description of "Tr      I    s

sDeccha he mrae at the 1ast G,,-e Conference entitled ,h  e hee  ot. 
T thinkq: this tells more about i-s meas-urement between the eyes than L:
tthinz o.e 
I cou!i submit. 
     his -edaigree is ro-uhly this: Age, about C5. 4"-.Jor in the .rine
Cor"s - 
to lc2,1,. Director of -gae research for 2Da:ont, 1927-93.. , also e6t'eor
Conservation    anS d org-nizer of the oE,-le 'ar.c.a-on-t field. staff .....
b   .: the Americcn. GC-nae Association. He also stzrted. the aoen"ns
trat -  r0 
    n o\aolucted. by the A.G..A. end. the U.S.3.S. 
    , haller's outstandin.' characteristic is hias a.1'_0 t' to use science
... ,._': 
    a  scientist, enm" his force as a  orCni3r a.  e:ecutive.::e is
e.ce- ½i" 
    T.~ta vaietyof  oeole ro~igfrom loccl -uacr      to  ilofte:ai.l 
 i.:s/c:c Co'ocil. Me m~ons r-'z:e cond~itions mel   - ........~~ j:    
    ino-~vin~theinsand outs of state conservation deat'nsclf&zlbru3 
 "iti.eut, ho_-7evcr, being beholden to efthr   e is    si 
        7'                       ... rP, "t.. -'e 's ~~ i  1,' 5:,:
ý: n op j--' 
"J.S.D.S. officers, but hao  a!lvays been. in-teli .ntly-n .r. .   
.~ crti_  of........ 
....e....ce. Dvurin:- my connection "it-h the   -Lsituee  ...... e'iao--Y-
....  in 
r. searcA fellowzships, Aerica~n .....' 'e-,nd all my othc 
  ::..:..,:oe& ,orthwhIile. -ude is the ono ::c..n  ha-e been. .ble to
t.bir.:  *,ho :-i-- 
a'-.mbine speed. and. sounrdness in. e::ecutin2 this job.