Door        I 
       Durinag the past your tofflor of The Wildlife asotety have written
  about the organiztion and, bevause, of you interest in the field, the pos-

  sibility that you would like to join it, 
       Possibly the letter or letters have nkot reached you. Perhaps you
  unable at the time to take W action due to a super-abunaeeo of fiunancal

  Problem that soeim  e VXC up an all at au   We cannt believe you woe"

  unintereted,, hoevner, and therefors ask for a little of your tine and
      The Wildlife Soceity has new been a ptmp live organization, fer mars

 than two years. It is the professional grup established for the purpose

 of raising aMd soidifyin the stuandrs of the profession, aMd for devlop

 iug all types of wildlife waugont alon   sounM biological limae. The 
 3Toumaal of Wildlife Menqemet has set a standard tee frequently neqleeted

 by wildlife publications; that of quality rather then nmber of artielee.

 "Ding Dsz'lin& president of the Generl Wildlif. Feeration, wrote
 mediately afte the 7.oumal bege publioation that "'there is suffieient
 1A the first volum to be worth sevoerl thousand dollar to those who read

 end apply It to the Sam Aragsi    areas undr their supervsion*   Dr 
 Ch~arles Alton,, head of the finmus Buea of AMinal Populations at Oxod 
 I~nglnd, stated in a m resreent numbr of the o1u4a of Animal Zoloy 
 nThe i~Wession loft (by the Journa of Wildlife hkagmt) is of sudeo 
 boe* in contribution and in editing and of cosiderable frshes and 
Proise A& attitude*"