     The function of these District Game U.anagers r.ill include 
priority cooperation tr*ith other department personnel in the 
planning for management of wildlife on all state lands and 
similar, but secondary, cooperation with county and federal 
agenoies and private lAndo-ners desiring management advice and 
Yield planned recommendations. Basically, these district 
managers would be expected to keep in constant contact with 
all conservation agencies and representatives in their areas 
map their areas for wildlife resources keeping abreast of Ali 
significant changes, make management recommendations for the 
entire area in general and detailed plans on specific areas 
requested  conduct periodic planned censuses on certain species 
and make local contacts in cooperation with central office 
of management, educational and public relations value. 
     Field contacts of these District Game ianagers would 
primarily include department personnel such as the wardens, 
beaver trappers, state foresters, state parit managers, game 
research and public hunting grounds personnel and other 
interested field men in the department. other important field 
contacts would be made with federal game managers and foresters, 
soil conservation service land managers, county and private 
industrial foresters And all private individuals with 
considerable interest in conservation such as conservation 
congress representatives or those operating lands for wildlife 
mAnAgement such as refuges. Additional contacts of considerable 
value to be made when possible would include local conservation 
clubs and their officers, county agricultural agents, vocational 
agricultural instructors and 4-H club leaders. 
     Examples of the type of w.ork the District Game 1hanagers might 
do include so many various possibilities that it is evident that 
full scale operations on such lArge areas would of necessity have U 
be at first on the basis of priority and urgency until a more 
complete organization allowed for more thorough action. Some type: 
of activity follow: 
     1. Planning and mapping for game management selected state 
forest areas in cooperation with department foresters. 
     2. Investixation of lakes and marshes for aquatic 
improvements needed in following through on requests of 
conservation organizations as well as on own initiative. 
     3. Planning and mapping private lands for wildlife managemen, 
for individuals requesting such assistance and all other cooperati1 
possible to assist the completion of such plans. 
     4. Cooperative assistance with wardens, research personnel 
and any other department men desiring help in certain seasons or 
specific problems such as wildlife damage complaints, census of 
hunting take on certain areas and submission of specimens and 
records for study by other projects. 
     5. Public relation and educational contacts with conservatio 
groups In talks at meetings stressing wildlife management on the 1 
and assistance in setting up demonstration units in their areas.