April 25, 1947 
, rfessor H. J. Van Cleave 
Unlversity of Illinois 
Urbana, Illinois 
Dear Professor Van Cleave: 
The Boston meeting of the Sootey apiroved the 
appointment of a committee on 1:cologioal Life 
7 Istories of important plants qn: animals par- 
aliling those now appearing in the Journal 
of Ecology. Are you willing to serve on an 
xploratory com-Ittee towar(d this end? 
The chairman of the coumittee is Dr. Donald 
Lawrence, fDepart-ient of iBotany, University 
of "Innesota. Dr. walter '. Taylor, College 
Station, Texas is a member. I am hoping you 
will consent to being the third mereber. 
                         Yours sincerely, 
Aldo Leopold