Dr. Leopold - 2 
automobl~es in such an areas and (b) the predictable 
effc± ts of 0±' it.tini faoilitieo for tZLe l.Ahdinz2 zUnd

tclko-off of ai.-craft in such ani area and the use of 
aircraft on or near the surface of such an area. 
          In both caies those effects are of two kinds. 
(1) the :uore or lez direct physical effects of the 
Ljere uons uo~ion and maintenance of (a) automobile roads 
(with or '. ittP'oU  o ýxner incidental physical facilities 
for" the usc, s~ora~, servicing, etc., of autoiobiles) 
and (b) aixorz:Xt lerdl   nd taka-off places (with or 
without other facilities for the use, storaýc, 
servicing,etc., oi. airxaft); and (2) the effects of 
wh~t is likely to be done by (a) automobiles and thieir 
users and. (b) aircraft and their users (distin-uichin- 
in each case betwoer users vho are official adLziniotra- 
tive a&entst and users vho are zieabets of the generjA) 
          I think a much. better c- se can be xaade out for 
the occ-oion;Jl uwle of airoraft over, and even on, 
xuilderne3s areas by speoially aut-orizod ad-iinistrative 
ents (a!, foýr e.....le, in recon'Iaissance or in 
laldins fire-fighters and equipme-ant by parachute or 
by other kinds of landimn-s on naturally suitable 
places, (such as bodies o2 viater or natural LAeadolis) 
than for perLitt.in- the landing of aircraft within 
or the use of aircraft (c-rtainly at any but very high 
elevations) over such areas by rhe general public, or 
than for the use of auto.:iobiles within such 8.reas 
either by aaiuistrative a;ents or by the general public, 
          I think that a strong case can and should be 
made out aLdAinst the construction and nraintenance 
within such ar-eas of any artificial facilities for the 
lancding and take-off (and a firticrifor the storage, 
servicmnz, etc.) of aircraft so far as it can be i:ade 
legally and a~dinistratively possible to prevent such 
construction; and an allost equally stronLi case against 
facilitatin- or peroitting the lmaiding and take-off of air- 
craft by the general _.ublic within such areas, even 
on places naturally practic-able for that purpose 
(exoe]?t in cas of extre;sia aer~ency) so far as it can 
be mada leogiclly &nd ad.Atiotraz.ively possible to 
prevent it.