,md the only 3t1 le it   1 in aAier   a  liter-otur  dh  
      series o2 irphlet b;  vriou  rtr, a  .rodiio, *Th Ge 
a onsidsrable d~pe. 
    -ornotur,  ,ýnf oourere not1 bv     v-itlh the re-rettablu lack

of texts 'b) d (o¾. ie paent onportnimty for thi     lies In tce need

of a JT.rwl, anl the ned of stue of ,artif-lar      ueeies of a. 
    hile zAerin (e   s done Aioneer r in Interoirett e- 
-lenit t  i the   , it -ary foll   tneed for a tchcnicl Journal. It 
is ~v~ly eivd~t to dneroin frests          i 1ret Life," a   ladn 
ronsablc  - in the i e of the foretry , o , bt no subttte 
for tm Journal of Fore(tiy.    here, t.hen, is  J      of Gne ent 
to coe fro-m 
       If ~ ~ ~ -' ''Ci unanntwre ruithl   or oir, th znwr   ol 
be sicpe  ut -it li nalither of toese- It tn -A ueiafife brnche o)f 
   al  t-rli-crc         ý 1v a t ivite, ct d te as  acw  " with
birdsi and) 
     o. Moreover it    n rctice will hve n irrtnt effect on      e- 
     1 answer se~is to e tht the4JunLof orectry       theJ-rn   of 
     y, an one or more of the ornitholo-icol beriowic'l    l     e 
veicles for the drisscixAatior of cuirent accretions to mur thv-m-1t ad 
eiperience in -   ,s. 
     The'Jou of loretr has carried ocsio  ers    i  on 
aA, but         -AAt of thf (ineiu~l-ný own) have dealt wIth the ,pal

-1 (x-