1)June 1RWX                       194
3(   All 
Copie by Aldo Lepold for the Natra      Resource Comiitte. Wisconsin 
Acad~emy of SaleWmet Ar't* an4 Letters. (Aldo Leopold., gruest 7. 3eaa, 
Nor-_n C. Fassott) 
   Foyw r:  t is my belief that the WiscoasinAa  ev~ particoularly throu&

the membws in the various educwational InstIitutions throughout the stato,

shoul   rovi4e sciesltfic data that can be used &as a basis for formlatin

public policy on the consevation ad utilization of our local ntural 
resources. With the approval of the Council, a standing coxittee on 
nat   l resourcs bas been appointed to this eM. The present paper it the

first of a series of repots bearing on the state's cosemtion problems.- 
A. V. Shorger. President. 
     7rom the fiteenth century autil 1910, the door problem of North America

ws a matter of too few, rather than of too ua. 
     About 1910 the  aibab doer herd in Arisom#, lon stabilized at a level

of about 4000 hesi, beOa to Wraid Its mmbers. B 1918 the rne showed. 
overbrowig( 21,Pp. 23T). Between 1915 ad 19A   , seven successive 
Iestigators vured. of impendig disaster, but nothing     s Le(16, pp. 11-13).

     Ia 1924, at a probable level of 100,000 he&s4 came the first of
catastrphi   famste. which reduced the hard 60 per coat tn two uiaters. 
BY 1939 the herd had. dropped. to a tenth of its peak sitie, aMd the resg

had.lost such of its pro-irruption carrying capacity. 
     This us the first of a series of Irruptions whicb have since 
 threatened the futuro produotivity of deer ranges from Orego to North 
 l      (),     liforia to Penavylvauia(s), Tee(23) t(l). 
 Wisconsin is one of the sore recent irruptive states. 
     This paper aims to peseat a bakground for the preseat Wisonsin 
     Diagramatic histories of four tIrstive deer herds appear in 
 Yigeares I and 2. Woch of these herds is a self'.contained. population.,