January 10, 19~45 
Mr. Nibbrt L Siegler 
State fish and Qems Deprtment 
Cocord, new Hapshire 
Dear Hilberts 
I am interested in your outlne of the Jew Hmpshire deer 
situation. The   nser, I think# lies entirely in the conditio 
of the browse. Udoubtedly yo ouuld raise the population level, 
by laying off o do , bt the important point is whether tie browse 
could stand it. elieve me, after my recent eRperienOes, I would 
rather have too few deer any time than too may. Tour sportsmen 
probably baven t the faintest oomprheion of what they are gettin 
into if thej allow an over-browsed situation to develo. 
The attached reprint, of which I can furnish you plenty of copies, 
will give you some Idea of our diffi-utoid in IfIsconsin. 
                                Tours sincerely, 
                                A14o Leopold 
                                3tate CoservatloA Q~nnisslioer