6. New box sites for 1942 studies to be selected by 
February 15, 1942. 
          7. Wood duck mariscript to be brought up to date, including 
all 1940 data, during winter of 1941-42. Bellrose assigned. 
flarrin~ton Prog~razq, 1942: 
          1. Rearrange certain buildings, if possible. 
          2. Repeat wood duck and mallard rearing studies, 
          3. Broo counts and nesting studies on glacial lakes In 
northeast Illinois. 
          4. Cover improvements on Barrington area. 
          5. Intensified study of paxtyphoid in ducks, in coopera- 
tion with Dr. Graham of the Uiversity of Illinois. 
       General Fall and WLinter Watere wl rog      1941-42 
A. Trapping and Banding 
          I. Repair duck traps and have all six traps in place by 
September 20. Lemm delegated to select trap sites, which are to be 
near the 1940 location; also to purchase one roll of wire and rough 
lumber for fl1ooing two or three traps. Bradley said lumber would run 
about t15.00 per trap. 
          2. Grain - m        of 10 bushels per day to be supplied by 
          3. Begin banding by October 1. 1941. 
          4. Installation of Cimco Farm trap contingent on time 
and personnel. 
          5, Anderson's system of keeping notes and data to be 
followed closely. 
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