After I had written you last, I realized that it was too 
late to reach Mr. Elton in Ottawa by mail, and then car troubles 
complicated things for a trip to Winnipeg. I did get in and 
had a chance to talk with him for a shott while which made me 
all the more sorry that I could not have made better arrangements. 
       Here is an item that calls for a good deal of thought, 
considering our discussions regarding personnel,difficulties 
of maintaining a large staff here at the present time,and 
relations with Ducks Unlimited. Mr. Pitblado wants to have 
a University of Winnipeg student to work as an assistant under 
our direction here next summer. He seems to know where funds 
are available and his object, as he stated it, is to bring about 
an interest in this type of prworkm at the University. 
       You will be interested to know that the 14atural History 
Society of Winnipeg has asked my to give a talk next month. 
       Thank you for the troubles to which you have gone 
concerning enrollment in the University. I am not perturbed 
over being unaffiliated for a few months, 
       The plant used so much for snow fences here is Caragana. 
I am not familiar with it and can't find it in my booksbut 
you probably know what it is. 
       Hope you -ill enjoy a pleasant shooting season at Riley 
and that you bag a deer this year. Wish you could drop up 
here for a few days this fall. 
                        Yours sincerely,