to and from their own organizations 
or communities. 
  (4) That the United States Govern- 
ment match at least dollar-for-dollar 
funds raised privately for the inter- 
change of persons and that these funds 
be administered by the United States 
Commission on UNESCO for this spe- 
cific purpose. 
  (5) That the chairman of the meet- 
ing  communicate    with  appropriate 
officials of member nations of the 
United Nations and other nations, not 
members, to urge their participation 
and to request from their professional 
colleagues closer international collab- 
  (6) That the Executive Board of 
UNESCO expand many-fold the bud- 
get for 1948 unless the participating 
nations indicate that the increased cost 
would be a deterrent to their partici- 
  (7) That the percentage of UNESCO 
funds allocated to the Amazon project 
be kept at the lowest possible level 
consistent with present commitments. 
The intent of this was merely to pre- 
vent a disproportionate expansion in 
view of its perhaps limited degree of 
"crucial importance and obvious use- 
fulness" to the aims of UNESCO. 
   (8) That the delegates convey to 
their organizations the need for the 
promotion of an atmosphere of mutual 
understanding and respect among all 
peoples and that the delegates in their 
organizations and communities plan for 
concerted activity to eliminate discrim- 
ination based on ethnic, political and 
cultural differences. 
   (9) That each representative of the 
Professional Group recommend to his 
organization at least one project fur- 
thering UNESCO ideals, such as aid for 
professional schools, specialized  re- 
search laboratories, or correspondence 
with members of a profession in other 
   (10) That the Executive Board of 
UNESCO and the United Commission 
study the "tensions crucial to peace" 
defined by the social science sub- 
division at the Paris Conference with 
the view   of restoring them  to high 
   (11) That the National Commissions 
of all Nations participating in UNESCO 
communicate with appropriate organi- 
zations in non-participating nations 
and express the desirability of their 
   (12) That the United States Com- 
mission on UNESCO consider the pres- 
ervation of certain natural areas of 
the world to save primitive animal and 
plant species potentially valuable as 
reservoirs of genes for maintaining the 
high productivity of modern food ani- 
mals and plants. 
  It is fitting to acknowledge that the 
above abbreviated comments on recom- 
mendations were taken from the final 
report of Dr. Walter 0. Roberts, who 
served as rapporteur for the Scientific 
and Professional Groups. 
  A banquet and plenary session at 
the headquarters hotel on the evening 
of May 15 again more than taxed the 
facilities available and many had to be 
turned away. Another plenary session 
at East High School on the evening of 
May 16 also produced a capacity crowd. 
  For those desiring additional infor- 
mation on UNESCO, the following title 
is cited: 
  United States National Commission 
for the United Nations Educational, 
Scientific and Cultural Organization. 
Report on the first meeting, September, 
1946. Dept. of State Publication 2726. 
For sale by the Supt. of Documents, 
Gov. Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 
Price, 25 cents. 
                    E. R. KALMBACH 
 DDT on 350,000 Acres of Douglas Fir 
 Neil Hosley submits a note that a 
 350,000 acre Douglas fir tussock moth 
 spraying project has just been author- 
 ized by the Forest Service and the 
 Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- 
 antine in North Idaho. The effects on 
 wildlife are being studied by two rep- 
 resentatives of the Fish and Wildlife 
 Service. Another smaller area of ap- 
 proximately 500 acres is being sprayed 
 on an experimental basis near Jackson, 
 Wyoming, and will also be studied by 
 representatives of the Fish and Wild- 
 life Service. In each of these cases the 
 dosage of DDT which will be used are 
 considerably higher than have previ- 
 ously been used in forest insect work, 
 and the reports on fish and wildlife 
 effects will be awaited with    great 
                   GUSTAV SwANsoN 
       Trumpeter Swan Report 
  The Canadian Department of Mines 
and Resources reports that the Cana- 
dian population of wild Trumpeter 
Swans now numbers about 900. Most of 
these winter in British Columbia, but 
some winter in Alaska. On their Cana- 
dian wintering grounds they are scat- 
tered in groups of restricted size, both 
along the coast and on rapid open 
water in the interior. Groups in ex- 
posed positions are protected by sanc- 
tuaries, by special local officers, by 
feeding with grain in time of need, and 
by strong favorable public sentiment. 
The chief winter dangers are lead poi- 
soning and inadequate food, both of 
which are worse in severe winters, 
when much good feeding area that is 
usually available may be sealed by ice. 
  The breeding-grounds of most of 
these Trumpeter Swans are yet un- 
known. A fairly large number of these 
Swans have, however, been found nest- 
ing in Alberta. These nesting grounds 
are being made the subject of special 
investigation and protection, but at 
present they are seriously affected by 
subnormal precipitation. 
                 HARRISoN F. LEWIS 
       A Message From Africa 
  The Transvaal Provincial Adminis- 
tration has announced the appointment 
of a Conservator of Game and Fish, Dr. 
T. G. Nel, and of a Director of Inland 
Fisheries, Mr. S. Du Plesis. In scien- 
tific circles in the Union great interest is 
attached to these appointments, since 
this is the first occasion in the history 
of South Africa that the problems as- 
sociated with the conservation of the 
fauna and flora are being entrusted to 
qualified biologists. At long last the 
conservation of the fauna and flora is 
being placed on a scientific basis in one 
of the four Provincies of the Union of 
South Africa. 
  Dr. T. G. Nel is the head of the new 
          R. 1BIGALKE 
          National Zoological Gardens 
            of South Africa 
        The Fiscal Year Hash 
  The "fiscal year rash" hit the ranks 
of the wildlife profession unusually 
hard this year. Although most state 
conservation departments fared w e 11 
because of increased revenue f r o m 
soaring license sales and high P.R. al- 
locations some of the federal agencies 
suffered serious cuts in important pro- 
  Failure of the Senate to restore the 
$163,000 budget for the Forest Service 
Division of Wildlife Management prob- 
ably means that this Division must be 
abolished. The research program of the 
Fish and Wildlife Service was damaged 
by substantial reductions in anticipated 
revenues. As a result the Service's par- 
ticipation in several of the cooperative 
wildlife research units must be reduced 
and may in some cases be discontinued. 
  Appropriations for the Soil Conser- 
vation Service were also cut substan- 
tially. Funds for its operations work 
were cut 13 percent and research funds 
were cut still deeper. 
       Conservation Laboratory 
  The Conservation Laboratory con- 
ducted by the Ohio State University in 
cooperation with the Ohio Division of 
Conservation and Natural Resources 
recently concluded its 8th session. A 
record enrollment of 54 teachers at- 
tended the 5 and one-half week session. 
Wildlife conservation problems were 
treated as an essential phase of the 
program along with the related sub- 
jects of soil, water, forest and mineral 
resource use. 
  Wildlife Extension Programs Grow 
  At least 5 states now have one or 
more men devoting full time to wildlife 
extension work in cooperation with the 
state agricultural extension services. 
These include Alabama, Iowa, Mich- 
igan, Pennsylvania and Texas. It is 
estimated that these programs h a v e 
reached at least 1,000,000 persons di- 
rectly. Participation in the 4 H Club 
programs, and preparation of exten- 
sion bulletins, are t h e means m o s t 
commonly used to carry out the objec- 
tives of these programs. 
  Other states are also d e v e 1 o p i n g 
wildlife extension programs. Ohio has 
recently set up a "Wildlife Conserva- 
tion Extension Service" program in the 
Division of Conservation and Natural 
Resources. The program is headed by 
A. W. Short. The hiring of two women 
employees has made possible extension 
of the program to women's groups and 
the girl scout organization. Patricia 
Johnson, a major in wildlife conserva- 
tion at Ohio State University, has been 
working with girl youth groups this 
summer. Mrs. Helen Lawson who has 
Summer, 1947 
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