424 Uivegity     m Place 
Mr. Richard Qerstell, President 
The Wildlife Society 
Harrirg, PennFsylvania 
Dear Dieki 
My reply to your circular of July 10 has been delayed due 
to my absence in the field. The trouble with the present 
method of selecting topics in that the profession contains 
very few men who have the time and the ability to pull 
together the latest m.terials on such large subtcts. 
I can think of only two (see attached sheet). 
I still prefer the old system of sking individual workers 
to talk about their own work. 
I would like to sugest that Albert Rochbaum, Delta Doak 
Station, Delta, Manitoba, is     about ready to give 
summry of the last three years' work. 
Another very important pieoe of work..which has been consistently 
overlooked by program omitteevis the waterfowl work of 
Arthur Hawkins of the Illinois Natural History Survy at 
Urbn. However, Hawkins is now in the am and probably 
not available this year,. 
With best regards, 
                            Yours sincerely, 
                            Aldo Leopold 
                            Professor of Wildlife anagement