424 University Yamt Plaee

                                                 October 22, 1940 
Mr. J. Paul Miller' 
merican Wildlife Institute 
Investment uilding 
Iashinton, D. C. 
Door Paul t 
          Senator Walctt, Mr. Bell, and the rest of us had a 
lone discssion on the msbjeot of Delta publications at Delta this 
Sumer , 
          In the first place, Mr. Carpenter of DuPont made a special 
eontrlbution of $500(T) for this purpose. M record of the amount 
has beoe loaned to Professor Rowan. hww*e I mut p by recolleotion. 
I wonder if this was ever collected? 
          It was agreed among us at Delta that there should be a 
Delta Valletin series, each of which wou  include the important 
developments since the last ms published. This being No. 1, it 
would include everything we have r&4 to publiuh by this date. 
Rouhbau will write No. 1 this winter. He canout push it a    faster 
than that because this fall's data must be inoerporated. It you need 
a list of contents, Hoohbaum can farish an approximate one at any 
          There remain a lot of detailed question* such as whether to 
charge for distribution over ad above a picked list, details of make- 
up, etc. Unless it conflicts with your other plans, I would sugest 
eharging and using the proeee as a revolving fund. 
                                Sinerely yours, 
                                     Aldo Leopold 
                            Professor of Wildlife hnegement 
 cc Hoohbauna