424 University Warm Plae 
                                      November 29, 1941 
Mr. Mbbert Kochbaua 
Delta   ck Station 
Delta, Manitoba 
Dear Albert: 
I am muach impressed with the fundamental soundness of your advioe 
on the personal mtter I wrote you about. I think you he hit the 
mail squarely and given me some valuable guidanoe. 
I am glad the Des Moies trip me not unwelcome. I hesitated a little 
lest you regard it an an interruption. It will be, of oourse, but I 
think that trips to Des Moines and Toronto will be worthwhile. I 
like the subjects that you offer            , and I cannot improve on then.

I an writing Paul Miller to clear up the nature of the $300 balance, 
It pleases me that Paul Miller wants you to chair the marsh management. 
My only worry is that )his might operate to out off your own presentation.

The only idea on program which I have read is this: the Conference has 
nemver had the full benefit of the Illinois work. I think krthur should 
be invited to give his g   e pkp4 of the Horsehoe Lake in full and 
without regard to whose      are stepped on. It seems to me that the 
Institute might well askthe arzm  for his release during this brief 
period of three diys because of the national importance of his oontribu-

tion. Paul Miller could get Senator Walcott to present the request. 
In addition, I think Bill Elder, or somebody else able to speak, should 
summarise the Illinois work. I can tip you off confidentially that 
Trison is unable to suinrise it. I don't know about Bellrose's speaking 
ability. Bill could mke it clear and oconvincing. 
It will be a treat to see you at Des Moines. If you can spare the time, 
come on bakk here with me and stay with us while you are in town. If 
you can bring Joan, so much the better. 
                               With best regards, 
Aldo Leopold