Pfunda few- water holes remaining. Upon eraulalaig several Seinole Indian
I to 4feet deep, they fouM only -powder Iiist at the bittom. All wildlife
- r 
tiles, aphi hi nn ani aamls parti ewlarly - suffered severely.     In *ortain.
the results of the fires have indirectly affected. the birds. Vwbers of ranewene*

for in, taenee, concentrbted arouMd the reaining water whoe. natural fhod
became scares. One large wood ibi s rookery lost abouLt 60 peroent of the
yoiwg tIxnugh dspred..tions by the hard-pressed looone., It is ipnrob~able
tha et 
birds were actiielly destroyed in the fires but the effects an nesting possibilities

are oaast~rcvfic. There were no rookeries this spring over peapt araas on
wbi oh 
man egrets, aerio ns d ibises hnve been reare~d in previous years. The ooloxW

Of about 4.0,O Wood. ibis at Lake Warshington dispersed without nestinor.
4-*h white 
Ibis ha   virtunllj disaý-earad ir. Vlorida instead of being the soot
breeding "pcieo.. 
     lrinediate i teý) shoiuli bes ttaken by 'the State and the ?edera2.
Governent to 
ied~y, ao far as po-ssible the destruction oaijsWe by foolinh and unjustifiable

draidnoge In southern vlorida whicoh directly oo)ntributed to the present
1'r watftr oee be restored the effecots of the fires outside the burned areas
Sot he felt greatly souath of the ?niim Trail and along the snuthwestern
T~. to the destruction of a great portion o~f the espotern rverlad~es, It
is iWM 
perAti vs tlvýt n plan be ewvoldm. for restoring mi sture in the remininr
in Order 
to minimisei the eff'ects of futur4 fires. 'This objective could. be nceenulisho4,
th~e e.-.ln.. rodn drninage di tab.. in the Cape ';Pblo regon were blocked
off or 
eloqed. Osmtes at the outlet. would caue the water to remain nn the flat
north if fPlaingo PnJ Tast Cape and provide fine winter feeding grounds for
im-rshbLving birds,    oto of water could be achieved by means of Otos. 
     It is