TO =   C"UO 
     You have been recoended to the Secretary of the Wildlife Society 
as one who is interested in the technial field of wildlife manament 
and research. 
     Will you please read the enclosures arefully?   If you are inter- 
ested in becoming either an Active    oer or an Asooiate  ener of 
the Society, you should communicate with the Secretary or your Region- 
al Representative on the Council (see General 3tetement).  Both 
classes of members receive the new Journal of Wildlife Manag3ment, 
which begins publication in 1937, and probably you will wish to have 
a complete file.   The following are enclosed herew:th:- 
     (1) Gneral statement concerning the history, oranization, 
and plans of the Society, 1936-1937. 
     (2) Constitution and By-la. 
     (3) questionnaire dealing with your own academic and professional 
wildlife work.   This is explained in the General Statement. 
      (4) Bill for 1937 dues.   Since for this year the dues are the 
same for both Active and Associate Members ($3), and sines any inter- 
ested person is eligible to Assciate .ership on the recommendation 
of two Active Members, your dues may be sent in at once.  The Active 
Mm__bers have not yet been designated, so the Secretary or your Regional

Representative will be glad to provide the rection