La Salle Hotel 
                                              J lIy 2n,i1 4b 
     '24 Unliversity ya-., Place 
     Dear ., o: 
         Lopy of letter or June 11th, 'roA Hr. tria~ to you' ra ardi    the

    airplane problc= blforn our co otri~tgc pro'apto a  to :a.kg  a a 
    tions on soe qua tions iiz a fo0tnztj to zme in a multiple co y of a

    letter o of  yourt; o e:x  tiie  sa-me suaioaect  overi taou6h  I  do
 not  te hat 'tter 
        -Y taou  's on tiO ilport!nt dutias o" ta,4   faattee re tha-t
    enssould try to '"or;k out !A solution ror cnt~   of airplancs In
all V J 
       erro:;s araas a~~~~.' t.-e i,,Ltlonal ý'oraest, 1" .-aio,ýa
 alc  n .toa 
    and that tae provin- Lroundi for tao1    ii  eais aal policy wulid 
    be te .1 aule3s k.iLe of tae g-  'uperlor "atrnl -om hý ':o
    iihse. tha i-1nint d9-nr.r lies. The saz probldo:1, hoeuver, to a ý
    or Ia.ser de-rce, will d ub-less obtain in ;aost of the wi  erziczs areas

    In nost of tie 1.tlonal Parks. 
        1- all recoLnize the airplan.e as a legitiaýte oeans o.' trasportr{tlon

   to these areas. The probio. Is to regulate it so tflat the t-ari's will
   destroy tae end. I think we s7ould recognlze that l ndlng- ftcliti3s 
   conYen ently adj'acent to willrne!!s areas  dJ It     !ark;3 zra ar ar-o-ar

   pttr   t-hV co: ng fast air truIaportation s. 3, but tXt the use of 
   t     p a n should atop at the boures    f tee ars.     In other 
   words, nos ,o.ud approve of the afrplane an  a E aans of transportuticr
   thýý3e areas but niot Irito or tarou,;I taex. 
        *.ila bioloicl± consilerititns of tlia areas are  of c-urse

  i¢crtant In tais nltter, in n:y o- iro'oa. theU are by' r, anas thld
c* *       t    o.  tain aestahtic valuos that -aty or 4ay not L.a di 
  conr:acted wIta blolo%-Ical con,,:Ideratlons will b) I-a7,rtzntl,  actl

  by trAe alrplaze. T'ha airpiauo is al;aost as -       with . 
  al te t",,-       all forfi1G of e:i zed traport-ti4   are 
    w~lt durness.