38 East 57 Street 
                        New York, 22, N.Y. 
 To: Trustees of the hobert Marshall Wilderness Fund 
 From:    George Maeshall 
 Date:    November V1, 1946 
 Subject:_ Meeting or Mail Ballot 
 The receipt of the application from the Wilderness society raises 
 the question of whether we should handle this application throuCh 
 a meeting, or in whole or in part, through a mail ballot. I believe 
 the Wilderness Society will be needing additional funds from the 
 Wilderness Funnd by some time in January. 
 There does not see to be a meeting of programs yet among the Trustees 
 as to wha they might best get together. 
 Claus Maurie writes that it would not be convenient for him to attend 
 a Trustees meeting until after the first of the year. His first 
 choice for the place of a meeting would be Washington. 
 Waldo Leopold writes that it would be difficult for him to attend 
 a meeting of the Trustees during the winter because of his load of 
 classes, but indicates that if the meeting is necessary, Chicago 
 would be the most convenlent place for him. 
 Irving Clark states that Novenber or Decem er would be the best 
 time for him a.n that he definitely would be umable to attend 
 between December 15 and January 15. Ills preference for the place 
 of meeting would be in Washington. He asks what we would think 
 of having our Trugtees meetijn at the same time and place as the 
 annual meeting of the Counsellors of the Wilderness Society. 
 I have not yet heard from William ZismGerman as to his preference. 
 I should find it difficult to arrange a meeting before the first 
 of the year. 
 It would seem to me thaton the basis of the varios preferences 
 and the needs of the Wilderness Society, )r choice of the time of the 
Trustees meeting is between late January     some time in the late 
spring, when I assume the Wilderness bociety will again hold its 
annual meeting. 
I should threfore appreciate your indicating, as soon as possible, 
on the enclosed form  on which of these two periods you woud 
prefer having the Wilderness kund meeting.