American Game 
                           2ae A.-arig. Idlea In Game Maamenet 
                                        Aldo Leopold                  t5

                The gve ,olicy adopted by the American Ga-e Conference, 
         fleeuer2, 19307, be-ins with thin assertion: 
                uwith rare exrcptions, the landholder la not yet practicing

        amagement. "here are three    s to inuce him to do so: 
                1. 'By hil out, an become the landowner. 
                2. Co;ýpencate him directly or indirectly for produ-cin
 a Ptme 
                  crop awl for the privilee of ha.rvestin it. 
                3. We hti the title to the     ,so thit he will own it and

                  can buy and sell it Just as he ons, buys. and sells his

                  poul try . 
                !he first -  is feasible on cep lands, but prohibitive 
       el. serere. 
                The second is feasible ajxryhere. 
                1he third way is the Jaarih nstviu. andO inaomratible :ith

       Amjeri-can traditioin and thii~t It is ntosiedintsreort." 
                The'b Ge npeeder,(l) in a recent editorial,-as the cornittee

       which drafted the policy to explain what it means by "incompatble

       with Amnerican tradition*" 
                Captain Perey R. Creed,  In his "Ramblin- Thoughts of
a Per- 
       verted 'Brtisher," also takes hixormts exception to some recent
       of "the abuses of the 1hropean Gam1,e" 
                This avier tries to express my personl vie- of what the policy

       manns in its references to the   o    practics.   The paper in no

       dlegree conisLts the other mabers of the coIMaittee, or any other
       or group. 
It is no light mtter to dimioles any Idea on the roun(ls of 
(1) ae Gane   ,reeder, -ebrw-r,, 1931, p.          - 
(2) Ameiaoin Aid, Vrol. 114, l.31, Alug. 21 1930. DoP. 99400u.