Complf'ioner        spiega1  .id he feelp thpt the rrooe csnd onen to criti.ciin on the ½eipth of the serpon .r. nrobeboy

 on the ehootlnr of hens. CommloýIioner Leo-old, however, 
 Pt*tO thp.t the Ionh of the reopon is the imrnrt;'nt fletor 
 to 9 ,hooting nrewerve on~r. 
   For the rurnoge ofr c]rifying. somne of hii rt~temontp, 
 Commisioner, !o]ptrd. -ttoe that he does not feel the resutltz been Pttplned that rhoule htve been even thourzh there 
 h-ve been certr-in benofitp in can ir.nAetpe loce3ity. AP to 
 nrivier.-P, he rev1iTes thpt ')l h-ve the , arlo o-.rortunity owi 
 iý,rtbllplwh ' P  .rpnrwý rnd v3,o thpt the ownerm do not everyt~hlrip on their Picle in.3 it ir rn rxnensive nromc<1icn

 F-i,,ew.r, he foee3p It i% contrrry to our ceneezt of r':ne 
 mnen.-eaent to encciurvqe ehoot~np: nrecrvee° 
   !erib-leynb n Mqul3en  e~r-e  before the cOT,4i ion r"t 
 thin time rnOe rnoke briefly on ehootincr n ervem . fe 
 Informnd the commissionerp thpt he hOd snn.r r e P..Inet 
 the ]icen