Jaraaz 5. 194&5 
Mr . David Cook 
lw York tato'C.onservatton Department 
Albaw 7, Jew York 
Thank  for you very expliot and iuninat1a   ooi.ntaq. 
It extly7 awers whSt I wa   tryti  to etabliebs  that a 
pub1i1tit ma can be ezpected to produce something beside 
aewpaper clppltg. 
Yes, I a  looking1 forwsrd to sprin  phen1.q reording#. 
We are havig a good winter for pinse with deep *now and 
unfrzen grnd beeath. Wa    1 o  t to see a real sprino. 
I hope to see yo In New York. 
                               Your* as eve, 
                               Aldo Leopold 
P.S. Youa    be assured that I will safard the source 
      of 7 information.