424 University F1a plaoe 
                                              Deo"ber 1I 1939 
Mr. Vistor L. Qahalse 
Utional Park Service 
Washinton, D. 0. 
Dear Vies 
         I like or report. Ues, I woul4 favor sepa.&rtes of itt 
would like half a dozen mWself. 
         Tes, I4 favor trying to Set the next meeting to .   t 
itself to a 4eflnite prorama. 
          I don't think a eoottee can run down special cases like 
akie Ourlew. We o     t to Txt that up to the U.S.B.S. and If the 
fall to aet, t  *k Vbr. 
         I am finding that Gbelsen has a lot of goe4 moves uder 
wv  which he hash!t tked about. Can't our e omettee back him up 
in a rare species program, rather than to unertake the ex atloz 
ourselves? At lest I'd try this first. This sees too long a thin 
to write about-let's talk it out at lnth at our next ahww., 
         Qw'tainly I aee with the principle of not waitin tof 
trouble to devep, but a pai4 mu in the U.SB.S. coul  soso ink 
moee than w-if he had the heart. Can't we get Oabe to set this vp 
                                 Toos sinaere1y, 
                                        Aldo Loaoli 
                               Professeo of Wildife Easmmt