and shall continue to feel, the strain and tension. A war- 
time psychology fixes attention on devices of slaughter and 
destruction. It diverts human effort and ingenuity from 
studies and devices to perpetuate the source values of human- 
    All friends of conservation need now to move and speak 
out together as never before. 
    Whether your principal personal interest be in soil, grass, 
trees, songbirds, game, flowers, livestock, landscape or out- 
door recreation; and whatever your occupation-farmer, 
banker, forester, agrostologist, journalist, anthropologist, 
ecologist, teacher, student, or what not-we can all work 
together for the good of the land. 
   The name under which we work might be the one sug- 
gested in this circular: Friends of the Land. Or perhaps 
Society of the Land. Or, again, The Conservation Society. 
This and other points, major and minor, will be submitted for 
determination to a larger founding group, here being cir- 
    An organization meeting will be held in Washington, 
D. C., on March 22 and 23, 1940. A program, and further 
details will be sent to any one who writes, expressing interest. 
    The purpose here is to indicate in barest outline what 
such a society could do. 
    We could promote the conservation of land and water 
resources in the United States of America by: 
     1. Assembling information regarding the economic, in- 
        dustrial and social need for conserving our land and 
        waters; placing before the people of the country 
        various issues and problems in land and water con- 
        servation; and forwarding in the interests of the 
        public, specific policies of conservation. 
     2. Encourage the organization of affiliated regional and 
        local groups. 
     3. Preparing and making available to our membership 
        and to the general public a monthly magazine, THE 
        LAND, and other literature on the technique, im- 
        portance, and significance of land and water con- 
        servation, and recommending to our members suit- 
        able literature prepared by other organizations, 
        operating in special fields. 
     4. Fostering investigation, exploration, research and 
        experimentation into the science of soil and water 
        conservation, and recognizing achievements in this 
        field by electing outstanding scientists as honorary 
        members of the society, or by special awards. 
     5. Encouraging and furthering the practice of land 
        and water conservation by individuals, cooperative 
        groups, States and subdivisions thereof, and the 
        Federal Government, and     promoting   legislative 
        measures and the efficient and economical use of 
        public funds in furtherance thereof. 
     6. Recognizing outstanding accomplishments in land 
        and water conservation by farmers, soil conservation 
        districts and other local groups, by suitable citations 
        and awards. 
     7. Promoting inclusion in the curricula of our educa- 
        tional systems of courses on the significance and 
        technique of land and water conservation. 
     8. Fostering the participation of the youth and youth 
        organizations and especially unemployed youth, in a 
        moral equivalent of war against wastage of soil and 
     9. Cooperating with other organizations interested in 
        the conservation of trees, grass, wildlife and people 
        in promoting common objectives. 
    10. Convening periodical conferences in various parts of 
        the country to obtain wider recognition that soil 
        wastage threatens our institutions. 
   We could promote the conservation of land and water 
resources in this and foreign lands by: 
     1. Appointing in each foreign country a "correspond- 
        ent" (without pay) for the exchange of informa- 
     2. Maintaining a clearing house of information on con- 
        servation in foreign countries, and from time to 
        time publishing a survey of foreign activities in this 
     3. Encouraging the establishment in this and in for- 
        eign countries of private organizations for the 
        furtherance of conservation. 
     4. Furthering the adoption of courses on conservation 
        by educational institutions throughout the world, 
        and the granting of traveling fellowships to foreign 
        officials and students for the study of conservation. 
     5. Advising foreign governments on methods of estab- 
        lishing programs for land and water conservation. 
     6. Assisting foreign mission and educational organiza- 
        tions in incorporating programs for land and water 
        conservation as a major objective of their work with 
        foreign peoples. 
     7. At an appropriate time calling a World Conserva- 
        tion Congress. 
   These and other possibilities will be examined at the organ- 
ization meeting in Washington, March 22-23 at the Ward- 
man Park Hotel. A tentative Constitution and By-laws 
now under preparation will be discussed and revised. Direc- 
tors will be elected. We hope to have the organization and 
its magazine, THE LAND, under way by July. 
                       MORRIS LLEWELLYN COOKE, 
                                  Organizing Chairman. 
                       BRYCE C. BROWNING, 
                       CHARLES E. HOLZER, 
                       RUSSELL LORD, 
                       CHARLES W. COLLIER, 
                                Organizing Secretary, 
                   312 Denrike Bldg., Washington, 1). C.