       It may interest you to know that Mr. Bell is much interested in 
artificial quail propagation on a place that he is interested in in Mississippi,

and that this place bas taken out a Non-Resident membership in our Association*

Komarek has visited his project twicep though I have not seen it yet. He
seems a, 
man greatly interested in attacking thees problems in a scientific manner.

     I hope that you and the family are all well, cnd that all goes well
with the 
work. There is small liklihood that I will get up that way this sunmer (have

a week or more work in the Missouri Ozarks for second week in June and later,

but hardly believe I can stretch this into a visit to the Rockford-Madison

section). Surely would like to see you down this way sometime;have a lot
I would 
enjoy showing you and discussing with you. 
     Am a poorer archer now than I was three years ago, which is saying a
Am away half the time and rushed the rest, so am out of practice badly. But
interest does not failand hope to shoot some during the summer. 
     With kind regards to you and yours, I am, 
                                     Sincerely yours,