424 Universitt Farm Place 
                                          Jul~y 30, 1940 
M~r. Carl D. Shoonake?, Sprtr 
SpeOial Comittee on Gonservation of Wildlife Resources 
United States $e-ate 
Washington, D. C. 
Dear Carl: 
          I will try to Jot down some thoughts for your 
questionnair, as soon a I can get around to it. 
          I will give thought to your request that I 
write a special .ppraisal of the wildlife field. I will 
have to orient my thoughts on this before I can make any 
intelligent ooment. 
          I am delighted to learn of your tendency toward 
library collietious, I have the same failii4 and I sug- 
gest we exohazge visits for this purpose w.en opportunity 
          I am pleased that v review did not distrb you. 
          With best rqards, 
                             Sincerely -,,ours, 
                                  Aldo Leopold 
                         Professor of Wildlife Ramsmet