8.00 P. M. 
                   (Auditorium, U. S. National Museum) 
17. Travels in South West Africa. Rodolphe M. de Schauensee. (Motion pictures.)

        Following this lecture, there will be a Smoker for the smokers, and
      versazione for the conversationalists and their wives in the Foyer
of the 
      U. S. National Museum. 
                        THURSDAY, MAY 5 
                               9.30 J. M. 
18. Segmental changes in the mammalian trunk, with especial reference to
      Primates. William  L. Straus, Jr., 7ohns Hopkins University. (Slides.)

                                                               20 minutes.

19. The morphology of shoulder and hip architecture in Tetrapods. A. Brazier

      Howell, Johns Hopkins University --..................................................
  20  minutes. 
20. Color of certain desert rodents in relation to the color of the rocks
where they 
      live. Philip M. Blossom and Lee R. Dice, University oj Michigan. (Chart.)

                                                                15 minutes.

21. The body proportions of adult catarrhine Primates. Adolph H. Schultz,

      7ohns Hopkins University. (Slides.) --..............................................
20  minutes. 
22. Aschheim-Zondek test for pregnancy. M. W. Lyon, Jr., South Bend, Indiana.

      (D em onstration.) ................................................................................
10  m inutes. 
23. Activities of the American Committee for International Wild Life Protection

      during the past year. Harold J. Coolidge, Jr., Museum of Comparative

      Z oolog y  -  ------------------------  _  -------------------------------------------............
.............- ...   5  m in u tes. 
24. The brown bear in Alaska. John M. Holzworth, National Association of
      Life Conservationists. (Motion pictures.) ..................................
30 minutes. 
25. A remarkably colored pocket-gopher from Costa Rica. E. A. Goldman, U.
      B iological  Survey .............................................................................
 10  m inutes. 
                               1.15 P. M. 
        Luncheon can be obtained at the Revenue Cafeteria, 7th floor of the

      Internal Revenue Building, opposite U. S. National Museum. 
                               2.15 P. M. 
26. The Edwin S. George Reserve of the University of Michigan-a Prevue. 
      Paul Hickie Pinckney, Michigan .......................................................
10 minutes. 
27. Some field methods of an amateur shrew-collector. Morris M. Green, _4rdmore,

      P a -------------------------------....----..--------..--------------------------------------------..------------
5  m in u te s . 
28. How the porcupine moves its quills. Curt P. Richter and Orthello R. Lang-

      worthy, Johns H opkins University -----------..----------..............................
20  minutes. 
                               3.00 P. M. 
    Annual Business Meeting, Room 43, National Museum (Members only). 
                               7.00 P. M. 
            (Hotel Washington, 15th and Pennsylvania Ave. N. W.) 
        Annual Dinner of the Society. To be followed by an illustrated talk
      Clifford K. Berryman, and motion pictures of African Mammals shown
      Martin Johnson. (Informal.)  For members and their families. (Tickets

      at $2.50 each should be secured at registration desk before noon.)