Rudolf Bemtt 
Pau  L. Firi~ 
Carl1 L. Hibb 
  HebetL. ftodar 
  toa  - ot~   (cop of *1*a is bwsmo4) reatv to Usx 
  In   t1 imnn fo  wo AP mst, Junor Foreter, Junor 
  all .t~r 4ealftg direty or indirG~lY wit widlf a  ln 
       All mmer ofteCKjt~ xetoepli*d to 
       I wold boelie to su~t tote CoitO An t 
 emirm Kitchel or th C1I1" Seric Omio     ht a moi 
 be holdto discuss th  rb  raiedt y this  ,~tr  u  h 
 =jp~j&o .e nprtto &ppor 'tq Mk sua a proodr    e 
                          Coiteeo Profteion~I Stndr 