Novembe 1-4 19~46 
Mr. Geore Wr4. 
Rbbwwt Marshall TfiUdenies 1?iuv 
38 last 57th Street 
Xe, Yrk 22, low Yk 
Dear George: 
     %e Hwk Uountain ap-lication proseut. an IsaM of ;0ic 
which I haven' t tbmw-ht through to a conclusion. 
     5m thu- which lis bebiwi hay    protection is oertainl 
very similar to what lies behind wilierrss areas. It coId 
be airxed that Hawk Iountaiu in within the area of that "broader 
base which we datose4 in wrtin our objeotives 
     Tmt the faSt romnns that thor. are - th r owan-zatits 
(each a&'s Mufboube) which vmrk directly i~n that sogwmt of the 
field, *erea   nobody but ouroolves is lookin our for wildr- 
unoe areas. If we start spendin funds thwor, will we dilute 
mar efforta for wilderness areas? 
     Of course I latow that thenquarrel betwoeu Mrs. V", and 
John Bake prevents f04Aubou frou fuctioning In this cease 
bat that Is hardy our fault. 
     With persowil regards 
Aldo L4O~O14 
tot Olaus 7Mhwte