           Management begins with the fencing of small patches of 
     grass and grain as winter headquarters for each proposed covey. 
     8ince 22 of the 86 patches must ordinarily provide both grass, 
     rain and additional brush, they must average at least an acre 
     isie. Ordinarily, though, the grass and brush can be grown 
     on steep south slopes not valuable an pasture. Often they can 
     be located on eroding gullies, and thus help to check erosion. 
     Sixteen patches need to be fenced. 
           The upland or chard. are the most promising part of this 
     mapped area. 
           The map Indicate* 26 posuible coveys on 920 ares - 
     one bird per three acres. 
           The lack of snow has made it impossible to census the 
     area, but the present population is very low; probably lees 
     than five covies per square mile. The present population on 
     Creek Bottoms is probably much higher due to superior grass 
     cover, but these are handicapped as management areas because 
     they are all intersected by public highways. 
Pd      or.: Foxes (both species) are numerous. It is improbable that 
     t    take any heavy toll of the present thI. quail population 
     but equally probable that they would exert increasing pressure 
     as the quail density built up. Hence fox control is recommended. 
     This should be contributed by the state. There is at present no 
     great abundance of either mice or rabbits, but these should be 
     oarefully watched and fox control not carried beyond the point 
     of a tolerable rodent population. 
           It is not Improbable that ground squirrels exert some 
     pressure on quail eggs. Summer obserations should be made on 
     this question. 
Jobs - Ithaca Area: 
     I. Take 4r. Kilkelly over mapped area January 34 (Leopold, 
        Gigstead, Johnson) 
     H. Hold farmers meeting January 34 (Leopold). 
     3. Make final selection of test farms, with advice of Mr. Kilkelly 
        (Gigstead and Johnson) Extend map if necessary. 
     4. Make census of final area (Gigatead and Johnson). 
     5. Arrange for Installation of cover and food patches (Gigetead 
        and Johnson). 
S. Arrange for fox control (qigstead and Johnson).