-3 - 
      The Delta work has now matured to a poit where we can appraise Its

 value Ad its possible future. It is olear thatj 
           1. We are doiag work not covered, and not likely to be covereod,

              by ay other ageny. 
           2. The results are in derena. 
           3. ?he Jobs extend far itao the fature. 
           It. A personnel has been developed. 
      From now on it seem advisabl, to adopt a definite oraaisation (including

 a none), to delete fouller responaibility to the local force, to unify the

 hatehery and reesrsh operations, and to start to baild up, by publication
 otherwise, the identity of the station. 
      It seems not impossible that t1he station could expand its future operations

without additional eost, for there are certain expansions which can be self-

supporting. That is to say, the station can operate as a consulting laborato.y,

which undertakes jobs which soimebo  is willing to pr for. A list of outh

jobs appears later. 
     All that is needed to 3eunch this new plan is: 
          (a) Definite underwriting of the present ekeleton budget for 3
          (b) A small publication fund by winter of 1940. 
          (o) Assent of the Institute and Mr. Sell. 
     The opeortion of the property and improveesmts should eontime under
N Ward, as heretofore. The station would operate the hatchery, but wholly
research purposes. fte Board of Advisrs should include one Canadian, possibly

Ieoes Lloyd or Dewey Soper. ?be skeleton oranitation would bet