42P4 University
Tar Placie 
Division of Wildlife                                        Jaet ; ary 16,
          Prof. Rudolf Bennitt 
          Wildlife Conservation ftilding 
          University of Missouri 
          Columbia, Missouri 
          Dear Rdolf: 
                    I have tested the standards as now revised on my own

          mental picture of four of wy best students--Hawkins, Frederick

          and Frances Hamerstrom, and Hoehbsum. Unless my picture is 
          altogether distorted, thq could score on all of the points listed.

          On the other hand, I admit that no such average could reasonably

          be epected in aw considerable number of students. I therefore 
          suigest that the paragraph at the top of page 6 of the mimeographed

          copy be amended to read as follows: 
                    OEo member of the comittee would be able to score on
          these criteria of professional preparedness. The comittee Admits

          they set a high mark, but they nevertheless feel that professional

          schools should now be able to improve upon the fortuitous education

          of the first generation of wildlife managers. The mark of the mdern

          school is that the students outscore the faculty on many points.
          is our opinion that the best students in the best schools could
          on all these points, and the average students on 90 per cent of
                    I an sending a oopy of this to Harry Bhl in case he has

          any further coaent, and I also want to thank him for his help.

                                          Sincerely yours, 
                                               Aldo Leopold 
          cc LD. D ahl                Professor of Wildlife Magement