pluno sbcjul bO OFUrl4 On in 0th.? awe>.0 V9ban aiwerft eonatrutim   
  ru  u 
st~b1lJm. or wthe andi4tionaQWn' MatO'Aally    tWS Policy W U3 be rv wd 
L*aewhile, it is iobviotae t~ft via conatructloa of laR4Zneg ficlds md ox
buldlings vouA itrud~e upon ar  senery; and that the aolse nti confusion
elrz'n3au would diterb the wildlife and would tend to destro   the aeh.eter
tbese grot ,q~vs a, nattare .intusrtem, easmelally affectlr theraW st~her
s.erenty and poace, wherein lies their ?eluo for Thsptirtlon,, recrmtics
     It isa litttle earl,,, to evalante 'Dily the effoct of aircraft mi wildlife,

to the pwsnene of flyine, p1.An, emi of ooti's. wuch oned on~4   tho eltitud.
the ilwthline. kT.jfratly ducks are not easislly dittirbe4, hut sawSe rr
flushed. 771i-     nejalal such ats nittemp cad elk ýM   be di.%tuwrbed
by low 
fltaiI. 11orever, It see-as Mll~y that tho mareIprtant tutd    udmnI 
bio1ogion effoots tr,, the um of airertt in wilderiwen or other rildlife

mnes will b.e indimat tmd wet)-n45r, tv~naiofl43 by cheng.s ill the habitat

w..oultinp fromwrtl4dn     and tho iaoed for acerrr tdtais attedn  a nnss

flyIng In coriain '1700, wil reý.Taltet hunn  activity.  "coloica1
doeoa    mt 
aroe hard to forsew*an ox e-win it preaent Fin lalangibles not well neaod

     f't ro00ilt of tha u1  of aircrnft, )wavr to already b0oeordn epperrt.

'Mhis affmet. p in hunting and- fishing Wy~min has olroady foun
necessary to sepcifios~ly ber shooting M&- fcm. em airpleme    ilossbly
statee hnew the smmaions, And the ftbllaing is q~ote froM the itaintes 
of the J~anarey 1940 Pwotig of the ~ymng, Gar and 'As Caisio, illustrating

Its attitude toward aircraft in field aport~s: 
     "A letter was read from ',tr. '. .o 111le,1 Ycwest .uarisor, &~soem

nattol Forstv Cody$ in bich he stated that the psqIs of the -ýmlight
renijeted that anemrec    lauding field be built In kaligt IaTAni to 
aedstdre them during the winter meram  w~hea they were isoloted assa euslt
.mow* -ýh ~yoing am. £14 TiSL U~ais widlling t(; approve the
of this11 r7gemey field tt)onodse~ts the citizen tOf Amligt I~idnoa but objeaet

to Its being use for the tm         cmtaio of hunting and fishing pvwties
itot the 
hunting and fishing *em.TM 
     .7his eotirm by the 'ý'yeviinr fl ad Viall Co1resio typifies
a widesprea 
fear of the degraation of ?i'iU sports by the u-. of ai~rcrft In the actual

geting of MIZWO 
     :m edd in an outdoor mgaasiu. guarnntees a polar bear for f l~inp from.

Ketzebua  Alasaka, and s~atas2  -ý iotiton to bear by airplane."

     .,eports ore curret that hunters ere using aircrft in ýýwitish
Columbia end 
Yuko   r.w,rrtory fer big Swn In on~e   hembuters were takeon out fnm a central

camp to valious ýnareages; mwe to mountain sheep rupee, nrother to
a loeaticm 
for earibou, thus reducing the walkidug to a minim= 
     A -AIlllaudem Ruwt3 is reotdto he planned an krotzbue Sound, Alaskaw

iincludinge a -o   lrdl with all the comfort* and ovenae     that *atllicmt-

aires domsd and pay for"   md fetatuing the hanting of polar bears,
heiw seal,, walrus, 110grk', the as yet uwlessdfled mountain sheep which