Delta Duck Station 
                              Delta, Manitoba 
                              May llth,1940 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Prof. of Wildlife Management 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Prof. Leopold: 
          I am submitting an expense account for March and 
April so that this will be in order when the budget comes 
          Everything is moving along very nicely. Have been 
collecting eggs all week, mallard and pint~il, and have nearly 
completed our settings for these species. Ed has brought the 
guides over for thid week which helped a great d-el for the 
back marsh is dry and river duck nests are few and far between. 
Canvasback and redheads are just beginning to nest and we 
will wait a week before the next collection. This has kept 
me at Delta and r-*ur meeting with the University group is 
later in the month and there is no news on this point. 
          Lyle has been busy with the ground squirrel study 
and has already uncovered a slew of material. We are all busy 
with the hatchery but by deviding the work are finding plenty 
of time for other things. By the way, when the budget comes 
through, Peter's pay should begin withlt. 
          We are in the midst of the worst dust storm I have 
seen yet and a good dpel of the prairie and some of the marsh 
are in the air. The marsh is very dry and over a foot lower 
than last year. In generwl, there are more ducks this year 
with a very remarkable increase in cans. 
                            Yours Sincerely, 
e jh/HAH